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Cheek Media Co. is a multi-platform, digital media project amplifying voices, stories and ideas that are first and foremost, real.


We want to challenge readers with renewed perspective and insight through thought-provoking lenses, whilst simultaneously offering painstakingly funny, playful and transparent material on taboo subject matter.


Cheek is where you come to understand an issue you’ve seen 467 people post about on Instagram but still don’t get. Cheek is where you will find comfort and answers to career problems and your fifth existential crisis because you’re still getting spoken over at work 🫠 Cheek is where you look for a cute present idea for your best friend who was broken up with by a guy who she loved lots, and you were happy for them, but you kind of always knew it wouldn't work out 💔 Cheek is here when you’re down about the world and just want to read a list of ultimate dating red flags or a painfully detailed recount of having to poo 💩 in the bushes on a hike while you’re on a first Tinder date with a guy who for some reason brought two of his roommates.


Cheek has it all.

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